Victoria *reløad* Chan
Bethany *RÖYCE* Chen
Big: Audrey *untøld* Lim
Little: Kimmy *calypsià* Lin
Status: Alumni
Major: Business Management
I love Sigmas because: nothing with the syzter ever felt forced or artificial to me. A big part of what I was looking for, which was openness and being accepted, I found.
Little: Lorie *ÖBSCURUS* Lau
Status: Alumni
Major: Nursing
I love Sigmas because: each and every syzter is inspiring in their work ethic and dedication while still knowing how to have fun. I also appreciate how I can easily reach out to syzters for professional and personal advice. I knew that Sigmas were the ones who made me feel comfortable and was compelled to join because of the sense of genuine community that they have.
Big Sis: Felicia *ÖCULUS* Chung
Little Sis:
Status: Alumni
Major: Pre-Nursing Track
I love Sigmas because: they are a family of ambitious women who have taught me the value of perseverance. Motivating me in being the best version of myself.