Here's A Little About Us
Jessica *Floressa* Chen
Big Sis: Alice *Mezmori* Liang
Little Sis: Emily *Bellamoré* Cheng
Status: Alumna
Major: Health Science
I love Sigmas because: I know anytime I'm with them, I'll have a good time and i can always be myself.
Katherine *Ladoré* Wei
Big Sis: Alice *Mezmori* Liang
Little Sis: Elizabeth *Amoréphe* Cheung
Status: Alumna
Major: Respiratory Care
I love Sigmas because: I can just be myself around them and we're all unique in our own special ways.
Elizabeth *Natorì* Leung
Big Sis: Monica *Valisère* Lee
Little Sis: Carla *Mònarch* Chan
Status: Active
Major: Health Science
I love Sigmas because: we make up a melting pot of something so much greater.
Sara *Delyria* Wu
Big Sis: Marie *HYSTERiA* Jeong
Little Sis: Peiwen *Evanesce* Zhang
Status: Alunmna
Major: Sociology
I love Sigmas because: I have been able to learn and experience so much from them and they inspire me to become the best version of myself every day.