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Eta Pi Class

Semester: Fall 2008

Pussycat Pis


PE: Yan *Chardonnay* Cai
PA: Anamarie *ReeSe* Patindol


#40 - HaRajuku
#41 - MisChief
#42 - KaRma
#43 - CadîllaC

​Sandra *HaRajuku* Lin 

Big Sis: Anamarie *ReeSe* Patindol

Little Sis: Amy Lolavie Huynh

Status: Alumna

Major: Sociology / Psychology


I love Sigma because: we can all be ourselves around each other and at the end of the day we all accept each other for who we really are. And even though we are all different and unique in our very own way, we compliment each other perfectly. You will always have welcoming smiles, shoulders to cry on, warm comforting hugs, and of course, people there for you each step of the way when you need it most. That's sisterly love. ♥

Nancy 'KaRma' Chantanapokul

Big Sis: Jessica *Romi* Chung

Little Sis: Suan *Rev* Kim

Status: Alumna

​Major: Health Science


I love Sigma because: Sigma Psi Zeta is like a bag of Harry Potter Jelly Beans. Every jellybean is different and unique and contains a flavor that you would never have guessed. Flavors such as sardines, ketchup, cheese and even grass are all bunched up in a little tiny bag. Well, thats what Sigma Psi Zeta is exactly, a bunch of sisters who represent the tangy, sour, sweet, down to earth flavors of the jelly beans that are packaged together to create a group of girls that fit so well with one another but no one would expect. We're not as magical like the wizards in the movie of course, but we sure are close to it!

​Betty *MisChief* Huang​

Big Sis: Patricia *enACra* Lu

Little Sis: Hanna *aBella* Jang

Little Sis: Jenny *Belvedere* Ha

Status: Alumna

Major: Business / Sociology


I love Sigma because: I can be a goof ball, a health freak, a party pooper, a cry baby, a nerd, a crazy manic, and an unpredictable girl and the sisters would still love me. ;]


​Arielle *CadîllaC*Webb​ 

Big Sis: Cindy *Cuvée* Mai

Little Sis:

Status: Alumna

Major: Health Science


I love Sigma because: they taught me so many things that could only be learned from people you love and respect.

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